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Hands to serve


Established in 1991, St. Margaret’s Community Outreach is a ministry of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Carrollton, GA.  We strive to provide help and hope to the most vulnerable individuals and families in our community and beyond.


General Assistance

This program offers rental, utility, and other assistance to families in need.  Call in for this assistance is the first Tuesday of every month.  Call 770-834-5282 on the first Tuesday of every month between 9A and 12 noon and leave one message. 

Loads of Love

Loads of Love is our laundry program.  1-2 times every month we go to a local laundromat and pay for people to do their laundry.  We also take loads of love to a local hotel and give out bags of laundry detergent and tickets to be able to do their laundry there.

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Hand Up

This program is for people who are experiencing one or several crises, that with a little more financial assistance will be back on their feet financially.


Starfish Village

A brand new program that acknowledges that it takes a village of support to find steady ground. We walk alongside one family at a time to find solutions out of homelessness and into sustainable living. 

For more information about any of our programs or to find out how you can be a partner in this important work, please call

770-832-3931 or email


If you need financial assistance or resources, please click the Connector image below. 

Community Outreach


“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” 

Mark 16:15

“And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”

Book of Common Prayer, from the Prayer following Holy Communion, p. 366

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Evangelism Commission exists to promote our public witness of the Gospel.  At this point, 5 categories house our Episcopal Evangelism programs:


Public Witness


  • Ashes-To-Go​

  • Worship Services and Adult Ed offerings broadcast on Facebook Live

  • Centering Prayer via Zoom

  • Beer & Hymns


  • Carrollton Parades at Christmas & 4th of July


Global Mission

Diocesan-Level Partnership between Diocese of Atlanta and Diocese of Cape Coast, Ghana


Parish-Level Partnership between St. Margaret’s and Sister Parish of St. Teresa’s, Cape Coast, Ghana


Prayers for our partner diocese and sister parish are incorporated into our worship.  Mutually beneficial opportunities for prayer and ministry for members of both parishes to support each other and deepen relationships between the parishes continue to be generated.  


St. Margaret’s / St. Teresa’s partnership structure serves as a template for other Diocese of Atlanta / Diocese of Cape Coast 

parish relationships.


Racial Trust Building

  • Social Justice Initiatives

  • Sacred Ground Small Groups

  • Police and Pastors Luncheon


“The ministry of racial trust-building encourages thoughtful, grace-filled conversations about the history of racism in our country and community, to recognize the need to repair the trust broken between all humanity, to speak out when trust is further broken, to repent of our own inherent racism and prejudices, and to receive the grace that full inclusion and racial harmony can bring. This ministry has an aspect of working within the congregation of St. Margaret’s, but also how to turn outward to have such conversations with our community.” 

 The Very Reverend Jeff Jackson


Everyday Saints

Tanner Health Heroes

In an effort to show support for healthcare workers at the hospital through the pandemic, “Tanner Health Heroes” was born in early 2020.  St. Margaret’s and other area churches “adopted” hospital units to regularly offer employees in those units prayer, notes, snacks, and other gestures of appreciation and support.  St. Margaret’s adopted 2 units, totaling approximately 150 “health heroes”.


“One Tuesday when I took the goodies, several of the [hospital staff we support] were at the nurses station.  When I came in with the bag one of the nurses hugged me and said, ‘St. Margaret’s always seems to know when to come.’  She said it had been a very hard day.  Some of them had tears in their eyes.  She said they all appreciate our support so much.  It made me realize it is not just about the goody bag.”

Jeana Langford, Program Coordinator





Book Club, est. 2020, invited people identifying as LGBTQIA+ and allies to gather virtually to discover and discuss ways that the Episcopal church has embraced the queer community and how it can continue to recognize the inherent value of queer church members. The purpose of this group was to build community and recognize ways experiences of those identifying as queer people might help Episcopalians better understand their fundamental calling and the creation of sacred spaces.  

  • Safe Zone Project 

  • Carrollton PRIDE Celebration 

  • Conversations on Queer History


“It’s interesting to see how the church evolves and taps into new members by creating more inclusive policies, by offering different types of worship opportunities, and by revisiting history 

to create a more equitable future.”  

Sarah Jones, Ph.D., Book Club Facilitator



We invite your questions about Episcopal Evangelism at St. Margaret’s.  Please contact church office with questions or for more information about opportunities to share the invitation to belong and participate.

Episcopal Evangelism
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