Week of February 9, 2025

February 16, 2025
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
9:00 | Holy Eucharist
10:00 | Sunday School
11:00 | Holy Eucharist

The Rev. Irma (Mimi) Guerra serves as the Missioner for Hispanic Ministries in the Diocese of Atlanta, a role she was appointed to by Bishop Rob Wright in 2022. She coordinates Hispanic ministries across the diocese, continuing the work of The Rev. Canon Isaías A. Rodríguez. A native of Mexico and one of the first female Hispanic priests in the diocese, Guerra has led the Hispanic ministry at Christ Church, Norcross, since 2018. She has a strong background in education, having taught Spanish in Douglas County Schools for 30 years, and completed her formation for the priesthood through CETLA. Passionate about expanding Hispanic ministry, she works to establish new congregations and introduce bilingual services to strengthen connections between English and Spanish-speaking communities. In 2021, her efforts in organizing COVID-19 relief and vaccination programs were recognized by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Guerra is also a devoted mother to her son, Henry, and enjoys spending time with her family and serving those in need.
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, Rev. Guerra will be our guest priest. She will also lead a forum between services in the parish hall, offering insight into Hispanic ministry and the ways we can foster deeper connections within our faith community.

“You say goodbye, I say hello.” - The Beatles
We have a couple of staff updates that we want you all to know about.
First, even though Amber Cotton will be transitioning out of her role as our
Pastoral Assistant for Youth and Children, the Vestry and I have appreciated
the volunteer work she has been doing in communications for the parish.
This work is vital to the inward engagement of our membership, but also to the
invitation and welcome we offer to those who are yet to join us. Therefore, we
are happy to announce that Amber will become our part-time (5 hours/week)
Communication Manager starting March 15. Amber will be able to continue this
work even while she recovers from an upcoming surgery. Please continue to
keep her in your prayers as she makes this transition.
Also, we recently experimented with having two sextons serving to maintain our buildings and grounds. Unfortunately, one of our sextons, Jennifer Hill, has decided to resign her part of that position. We are so grateful for Jennifer’s hard work and dedication over the last year in that position and are glad she is still a part of our church family. Thankfully, Jennifer Wieda, who has served as our interim sexton while Jennifer Hill was on maternity leave, and now as our co-sexton, has agreed to serve as our sole sexton, working the full 10 hours we have allotted for that position. We are grateful for her commitment to keeping our church looking great.
Since these are both part-time positions, and include more work than can be included in those hours, volunteers are welcome to help! If you have a gift you would like to share to work alongside Amber or Jennifer, they would be happy to direct you! If you have any communication needs, please contact Amber, or if you have any facility-related concerns, contact Jennifer.

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Want your event or opportunity advertised in the newsletter? Graphic requests must be sent to Amber Cotton at least one week prior to the newsletter date you want it advertised. All pre-made entries should be "Instagram / FB Square" size and submitted no later than 12 PM on Wednesdays.
The past week at St. Margaret's